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The BEST Limiters for Drum n Bass Music
The BEST Limiters for Drum n Bass Music
What is the best limiter for drum n bass and electronic bass music? I compare and test 4 of the top limiter plugins in the world: FabFilter Pro-L2 vs DMG Limitless vs iZotope Ozone Maximizer vs Sonible smart:limit + Kazrog K-Clip
15 Limiter Tips I WISH I Knew When I Started – How to Use Modern Limiters for Beginners
15 Limiter Tips I WISH I Knew When I Started – How to Use Modern Limiters for Beginners
Imagine a world where your tracks can be loud, clean, and punchy all at once. That's the promise of today's modern limiters, and I'm here to show you how they deliver. We'll dive deep into three industry favorites: FabFilter Pro-L2, Sonible Smart Limit, and DMG Limitless. Each of these digital marvels packs a punch, offering unique features that can elevate your mixes to new heights.
3 Shocking Limiter Mistakes Exposed: Pitfalls Every Producer Must Know
3 Shocking Limiter Mistakes Exposed: Pitfalls Every Producer Must Know
In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the world of limiters, revealing three crucial errors that even seasoned producers often overlook.
Loudness Trumps EVERYTHING!
Loudness Trumps EVERYTHING!
How loud should you master your music? Is loudness important? Is -10 LUFS too loud? Should you master to -14 LUFS for Spotify and Apple Music?
Are You SCARED of Mastering?  Try The Mastering STRESS TEST
Are You SCARED of Mastering?  Try The Mastering STRESS TEST
Never tried mastering your music? The big problem here is a lack of awareness of what the mastering process is actually capable of. Learn now!
Take Your Mix from "Good" to GREAT with 3 Game-Changing Tips
Take Your Mix from “Good” to GREAT with 3 Game-Changing Tips
In this video you’ll learn a series of mixing tips that’ll help take your mix from good to GREAT! Things like how to get your bass to cut through on small speakers, how to EQ a kick to remove a resonant knock, and how to add exciting wide stereo information to a bongo percussion loop.
Will This Saturation Plugin Change the Way You Mix Forever?
It’s pretty rare these days that a new saturation plugin comes out which does something new, unique and special. But WOW did Spectre ever get our attention! Tune in for our tutorial showing 3 powerful examples of how to use this plugin.
This Mistake RUINING Your Acoustics? (and How to INSTANTLY Fix It)
This Mistake RUINING Your Acoustics? (and How to INSTANTLY Fix It)
One the most common pieces of speaker setup advice creates HUGE problems in your low end. Make sure you haven't fallen victim to this easily avoided mistake.
Drum & Bass Duo Fade Black Doesn’t Mono their Sub
"You need to mono your low end to sound good in the club bro..." Wrong. You've been lied to, and here's your evidence.
You Need to Mono Your Low End to Sound Good in the Club Bro…
"You need to mono your low end to sound good in the club bro..." Wrong. You've been lied to, and here's your evidence.
4 EASY Tips to MASSIVELY Improve Audio in Your Videos – Beginner Audio Tutorial for Creators
This video is for creators who want to get the best possible audio for their videos, whether that’s on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, a podcast, a live-stream or anywhere else you feel inspired to post. Audio quality is just as important as your video quality, yet it’s the most common area where creators fall short. Want to know what makes the difference? I’ll share the bare-bones, essential-only tips and best practices that’ll help you sound AMAZING - even if you’re only recording with your phone and a couple accessories. Let’s get into it.
Which Monitors Did I Choose…  Neumann KH420 vs Focal Trio 11 Be Review
I’ve just moved into a new space and I’ll be building a fresh music studio from the ground up. This gives me the chance to change a lot of things I didn’t like about my previous studio, primarily the monitoring system. I’ve decided to opt for larger 3-way mains with enough bass extension that I don’t need a sub. I’ve narrowed my search down to the Neumann KH420 and the Focal Trio 11 Be. For the past 2 months I’ve had both sets on loan from Long & McQuade, our local retailer, and I’ve had a chance to listen to them extensively. In this video I’ll reveal which ones I chose and why. Smash that link and join me to learn which monitor won the day!
Should You Burn In Your Studio Monitor Speakers?
Burning in / running in / breaking in your new studio monitor speakers. What does that mean? Is it something you should be doing? Does it depend on what type of speakers you have? If you do choose to do it, how do you do it exactly? We’re going to cover all of these things in this video, so hop in and join me!
Audeze LCD-X vs. LCD-XC Headphone Comparison & Review
The Audeze LCD-X and LCD-XC headphones have emerged as some of the top picks of music producers, audio engineers, and audiophiles alike. But with both closed and open-back versions, which one is right for you? This video compares and contrasts between the two styles to equip you with all the info you need to choose the perfect option for your situation.
Sonible true:level & true:balance – Deep Dive Mastering Tutorial for Electronic Music
Sonible just launched 2 very interesting new metering plugins: true:level and true:balance. See them in action and learn what makes them tick so you can decide if they’re the right tools to add to your plugin collection. In this video we take a deep dive into a mastering session for an electronic bass music song and put these plugins through their paces.
Recording Audio & Video with a Rode NTG-2 Shotgun Mic
How to Record the BEST Sounding Audio for Your Videos
We’ve all seen those videos that prompt you to unceremoniously SMASH the close tab button due to horrible sounding audio. This is both sad and unnecessary, causing the unfortunate loss of so much hard work as the video succumbs to a slow - and largely unnoticed - demise at the hands of the almighty “algorithm”. Don’t let this happen to you, or anyone you care about. Friends don’t let friends suck at audio. In this video, you’ll learn how to improve the quality of your audio during video shoots. You’ll discover the best tools for the job, how to set up your mic, and generally how to be awesome at recording audio.
4 Tips for How to Choose the Best Reference Tracks
4 Tips for How to Choose the Best Reference Tracks
As you may know, the art and science of mixing and mastering is subjective and complicated. Luckily, critically listening to and analyzing other people’s music (i.e., reference songs) can help you quickly get the pro sound you want. But what songs should you use? In this video, Ableton Certified Trainer Ian Gallagher reveals 4 rock-solid rules for selecting the best reference songs for your music. After years of trial and error, Ian has come up with these tips to ensure you’re using the right reference tracks for your music. In particular, Ian’s 4 tips cover Quality, Genre/Era, Song Popularity, and Using Songs You Love. In other words, before you start grabbing random reference tracks, make sure you’re considering these key parameters. If you’re interested in learning more about using reference songs check out Ian’s full course at Warp Academy called Producing with Reference Tracks.
How to Mix Vocals Feature Graphic
How to Mix Vocals with Plugins | Vocal Processing Tutorial
Nearly all hit tracks have a vocal. But vocals are intense and challenging to produce and mix. In this new tutorial video you’ll learn intermediate and advanced techniques for processing vocals to perfection. Check out what plugins are the best for vocal production, how to EQ, how to compress, how to de-ess, how to de-breath, and how to excite and widen vocals. Our instructor, Ian Gallagher, shows you his full vocal chain inside a project that’s been commercially released. Watch now to discover how to demystify the engineering process behind vocals and to pick up essential tips & tricks used by seasoned professionals!
How To Get Modern Pop Vocals with iZotope Nectar 3
iZotope Nectar 3 Tutorial Get iZotope Nectar 3: Shop All Plugins: Join Our Newsletter & Get Every Tutorial:
How to Mix Your Music Easily With iZotope Neutron 3
[warp_heading color="blue" align="center" size="h1”]iZotope Neutron 3 Tutorial[/warp_heading] Get iZotope Neutron 3: Shop All Plugins: Join Our Newsletter & Get...
Vocal, Drum Bus & Master Compression – FabFilter Pro-C2 Tutorial
Get FabFilter Pro-C2: Get the FabFilter Total Bundle: Shop All Plugins: Join the Warp Academy Newsletter:
The BEST Multiband Compressor Plugin? – FabFilter Pro-MB Tutorial
  [warp_heading color="blue" align="center" size="h1”]The BEST Multiband Compressor Plugin? [/warp_heading] Get FabFilter Pro-MB: Get the FabFilter Total Bundle: Shop...
Headroom, Gain Staging & Clipping in 32 Bit Digital Audio [Mixing Tutorial]
Headroom, Gain Staging & Clipping in 32 Bit Digital Audio [Mixing Tutorial]
Do you need 6 dB of headroom? Seeing as DAWs use 32 bit float-point processing, does it even matter? Is clipping really that bad?
Is FabFilter Pro Q3 Worth the money?
How to Use Dynamic EQ with FabFilter Pro-Q3 New Features [Review + Tutorial]
[warp_heading color="blue" align="center" size="h1”]Learn How to Use Dynamic EQ with FabFilter Pro-Q3[/warp_heading]     Every once in a while, new...
How to Compare Reference Tracks for Mixing & Mastering with the REFERENCE Plugin
How to Compare Reference Tracks for Mixing & Mastering with the REFERENCE Plugin [In-Depth Tutorial]
We’ve all heard that using reference tracks while mixing and mastering is a good idea.  But how, exactly, do you do this properly?
Decoding The Mix – Flume: Never Be Like You
Decoding The Mix - Flume: Never Be Like You Flume ascended to stardom at the age of 21 when his...
How to Improve Your Mixdown | ANIMATE Plugin Tutorial
ANIMATE Plugin Tutorial ANIMATE by Mastering the Mix was designed to be your secret weapon in a wide range of mixing...
Get Serious About Your Production with Ableton Live 10 Jumpstart!
If you're thinking about getting serious with music production and would like a guided experience from one of the worlds best...
The Warp Academy Community- Nexus Collective
  Looking to join an awesome community of music lovers? You've come to the right place!   What is Nexus?...
3 Crazy Mixing & Sound Design Hacks with Echo Delay in Live 10 – Ableton Tutorial
Like what you see? Get the whole course for FREE! In this video, Ableton Certified Trainer Merlyn Silva takes us...
Reverb Mixing Tutorial: BPM Synced Timings and How to Calculate Them [warp_heading color=”blue” align=”center” size=”h1”]Grab the Downloads[/warp_heading] By submitting for this free download you will be added to our email...
mix better in headphones
How to Mix Better in Headphones
Mixing in headphones isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. In the next few minutes, Vespers is going to set the stage...
Jake Perrine | 6 Dimensions of a Mix – Part 2: 6D-2Y
In this tutorial, Jake shares with us the second tool in the 6 Dimensions of a mix series. Each of...
Free Webinar | Working With Problem Acapellas Recording now Live!
All killer and no filler,  this Webinar is a recording from Monday January 26th and is a preview of Myagi’s...
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