The 2nd installment in Jake Perrine’s mini series featuring Ozone 7 brings the new Vintage Compressor into the spotlight today! If you missed part 1 on the Vintage EQ you can watch it here.
Multi-band dynamics has been a staple of Ozone for years, and does a fantastic job. But not all program material needs this approach. The inclusion of a Vintage Compressor in Ozone 7 Advanced is a most welcomed addition. When a track needs that subtle squeeze, this is a great tool.
The Vintage Compressor module is a single-band feedback compressor for subtle warming and sweetening effects. Featuring program-dependent release times, the compressor tailors release shapes to adapt naturally to your music. Thicken the mid-range, tighten and round out the lows, let the top sparkle, and get authentic vintage character. Editable high-pass, mid-peak, and high-shelf side-chain filters let you mimic the non-linear frequency response of vintage hardware compressors, or create unique compression effects not available in traditional hardware. Automatic gain compensation provides automatic makeup gain, allowing you to easily compare your mix with and without dynamics processing applied.
And its not just for the master bus! Watch the tutorial above as Lead Trainer Jake Perrine walks you through using the Vintage Compressor from Ozone 7 Advanced.