Tired of using other people’s played-out presets? Time to learn how to design your own sounds! This series will help you to get familiar with synthesis. It will equip you with the skills to create tons of new sounds and build your own unique arsenal of signature patches. The sky is not the limit, it’s your playground!
Synthesis is one of the core skills of a professional music producer. Imagine being able to hear a sound in your head, and recreate it in no time using your favorite synth? We all know that developing your own unique sound is a key ingredient to creating music people recognize and remember. Your new abilities with synthesis will empower you to start cultivating your own distinct sound.
If you have ever opened up a synth and felt lost, overwhelmed, or intimidated…this course is for you! Pretty much any synth, regardless of it’s make or interface, has the same “guts”; the same fundamental components: Oscillators, envelopes, filters, LFOs etc. After completing this series, you will be able to open the vast majority of synthesizers, easily identify these components, and quickly start making the sounds you want.
Knowing what each parameter does, and knowing how to USE them are two different things. In this series, we cover both. You’ll be introduced to the main parameters in synthesis, and then shown practical examples of how to use them. This combination of theory with real-world application will make sure you’re making leaps and bounds forward in your skills in the shortest period of time. We’re all about impact.